Monday, April 1, 2013

Make A Choice

I am so tired of contradictions!

"I believe in small government - except when it comes to the dr office, your bedroom, or your grocery cart if you're poor."

"I think government knows best - except for my love life, my health, or how I use my resources."

"Take away everyone's guns! But don't impose on my right to kill my baby!"

"Christians are haters. But here's a list of churches where you can get food, clothes, help paying an essential bill. Oh, and this Christian group wi bring you firewood if you need it. Also, have you heard about the MOPS group that will feed you, love on your child, give you practical parenting help, and much needed relaxation with other moms?
But if I hear one more Christian talk about the bible or Jesus I'm going to scream!"

"Food stamps should restrict what people can buy to only healthy food. Oh, and I totally support government funding for abortions."

"You should be allowed to marry anyone you want. What's crazy is people who think it is ok to educate their child at home! Everyone knows the government is the expert in child education!" (Yeah, just look at the test scores of government school students!)

And on and on and on.

If you want compassion - then be compassionate!

If you don't want the government to make decisions for you, stop trying to get government to make decisions for others!

If you want to be accepted, then accept others!

If you want the right to raise your child as you see fit, then support parental rights!

If you want help to be available when you need it, be charitable!

Why is this so hard for everyone to understand?

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