Friday, October 22, 2010


A funny thing happened to me on the way to a friend's house...

I am a SAHM homeschooling mommy of three. Or so I thought

But,this month I was late. Then I was 2 days late. Then 3? Could that be right?! After checking the calendar AGAIN. Yep, 3 days. Ok, well if I don't start by the time hubby is headed home from work. No. I don't want to spend $10+ for nothing. Ok, if I don't start by tomorrow I will go get a pregnancy test.

Tomorrow came and off the kids & I went to the store in town to get some milk and apparently a pregnancy test. But I'll go to the restroom when I get there, just to check one last time.

So we get our things & check out with only $.23 left im change. I had plans to go visit a friend. On the way to T's house I was sure myperiod had started. Which was I was trying to avoid - spending the money when I didn't need to if I were patient.

When we arrived at T's house I used her bathroom. Surprisingly I did not find myself in need of a tampon. The test was in the diaper bag I had with me I figured I might as well do it.

"Ah, Terra, I need you for a moment."
"oh no! Is the toilet plugged?"
With a shaky voice I just repeated my request.

She followed me into the bathroom. "Do you see what I see," I asked her.
After taking pause to realize what was happening in that moment she confirmed it - that was one heck of a dark pink plus sign staring back at us.

I don't remember too much after that other than occasionally interrupting our conversation to check the test again.

So, there you have it ladies & gentlemen - I am pregnant!

And still in a bit of shock even though this all happened days ago.

So I thought I would start this blog and record my experiences over the next eight months - regarding not just my pregnancy but all areas of my life.

I do caution you - I am gong to give it to you straight. I will


  1. (Ok, I got locked out of that post so finishing it here is all I can think of.)

    Being that I am pregnant there is bound to be some details of bodily functions and such but seeing as a blog all about my body is nothing I wish to pen I will try to keep it to a minimum.

  2. Thank you for posting a comment on my blog. congrats on the pregnancy. We actually had whooping cough but I ddin't want to put it on the blog. i think we are on the mend.
