Friday, October 29, 2010

Buying Time & Trusting in God

One thing to know about me - if something can be unusual or unlikely then that's what I've got.

So I woke today with terrible sharp pain in my left pelvic area. Finally gave in & called 911 since I was he alone w/ 3 kids & literally couldn't get off the floor.

Paramedic had same suspicion as I feared - ectopic pregnancy. So off to the hospital we went. (In case you are wondering, my bestie, Miss Terra, came to be with the kids.)

After 3 ultrasounds and various other tests this is where we are:

There is a fluid filled sacim my uterus that measures exactly the size you'd expect for the gestational sac for as far along as I am. However, it lacks the yolk inner lining one would expect to see. There is something on my right ovary that looks just like the one in my uterus. Dr doesn't know if it is a burst cyst or a
an ectopic pregnancy. Oh, and I have some blood pooled inside my abdomen.
in my abdominal cavity.

So, my options are:

1. Have surgery. If it is an ectopic pregnancy theyremove it. If it is a cyst they likely remove it. The downside is - a) if I do have a viable pregnancy anesthesia could be dangerous to embryo and the cyst they would have just removed is actually needed to sustain a pregnancy during the first trimester.

2. Wait two days. On Sunday redo ultrasound and blood tests. Hopefully we will get more info then. Hopefully a heartbeat will be visable - then location of pregnancy will be obvious. Risk is if it is ectopic and bursts.

So what did we decide - we are doing what dr said he'd have his wife do - we are waiting until tomorrow, rerun tests and see if anymore info is available and then we will reassess.

Truthfully, I am buying time to pray & for my loved ones to pray. I am hoping that after a day of prayer that a miracle will happen and we will find that I have a viable pregnancy in my uterus and that my cyst has stopped bleeding and does not require surgery.

"Please God, please heal my body and save this pregnancy. This baby may not have been planned, but she is wanted as much as any baby was ever wanted. She already has a family who loves her & a wonderful circle of family & friends who want her to be in their lives.

God, please , please, please save my pregnancy! Save my baby! I love this child, God, please keep her safe and show us all a miracle in the tests tomorrow! In Jesus's precious name I pray, amen."
So, my options are:
1. Have surgery now to remove whatever is on my ovary. Which would be a "no duh" if it is

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