Friday, July 13, 2012

Tall Painting

I had seen the video of New York-based artist Holton Rower making a "Tall Painting." I knew I wanted to do this with my children, but at the time we were in the middle of a rainy Pacific Northwest spring. 

Today, however, when the kids complained about my "no screen time" rule for the morning, I had a "bright-idea" flash - let's do tall painting! It was a hot blue-skied day. We had paint left-over from painting Samantha's bedroom. It was perfect!

I had been saving some containers from Nicholas and Matthew's favorite animal crackers from Costco. The bottom was concave so I wasn't sure how that would affect the flow of the paint. We ended up using them with their lids, and then stacked a plastic cup and a tealight candle container on top.

Each child got cups filled halfway with each color of paint.

And then, we poured...

And poured...

And poured...

And poured!

I can't decide which turned out cooler,
the paint as it dripped down the sides...

Or the paint that pooled at the bottom.

In case you are wondering where the baby was during all of this,

he was picking flowers for Mommy, of course!

That is, until he gave up hope of an end to our art
and decided to take a nap.

After scooting through grass with wet paint,
Nicholas and I were off to bath time!

When I went to check on Matthew and Samantha,
who were still outside,
I saw this...

My final review - this is a great creative experience!
Wear grubby clothes!
Use objects and paint you already have
(or get mis-mixed paint from hardware store for free)
And most importantly.

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