Monday, January 10, 2011

Now or Later?

Week 17!
Can you believe we are in week 17 already? I feel a little flutter in my tummy.I can't wait until I am feeling big kicks! My favorite part of pregnancy is feeling y baby moving around inside.

We already have three children in our family. My oldest sone is eight years old. My daughter recently turned six years old. The family baby is our youngest son who is two years old.

When I was pregnant with my oldest I honestly has no preference or opinion regarding gender so we waited until delivery to find out his gender. And we even had a couple of ultrasounds where my hubby and I had to look away to keep the baby's gender a surprise.

We found out that my daughter was a girl more or less as a gift to my grandpa.

Because the kids were five and three when I was pregnant with number three we found out the gender to help make it real to them and get them used to the idea.

This time around our youngest is so little that he isn't going to understand until it is almost here. And the other two are so old that they both know what is going on.

So, should we find out the baby's gender? What are your thoughts?

I do have to say that my daughter would really like a girl so my only debate is if advance notice that she is getting a brother would be best or would it be better to wait until she can see her adorable baby brother and hold him to find out that he has an outie not an innie. (Anytime she would find out it's a girl would be a great time.)

So, what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. You have this neat little trick of starting a blog, commenting on mine, and then leaving me to figure out who you are.
    Does it really make a difference what the gender is? What are you going to do? Send it back?
    Relax. Be surprised.
    Call a contractor to build another bedroom.
